Fish-stream Crossing Guidebook
The Guidebook addresses the requirements for fish passage in the Forest and Range Practices Act and regulations, and in the federal Fisheries Act. The Guidebook is a revision to the former Forest Practices Code of British Columbia Fish-stream Crossing Guidebook, March 2002. The main changes made are highlighted in Section 1.2 of the revised Guidebook.
The FPTWG includes scientific/technical experts from the BC Ministry of Environment; BC Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations; and Fisheries and Oceans Canada. You can learn more about the Working Group and their work in the above noted website.
The FPTWG acknowledges that recent amendments to the federal Fisheries Act and pending amendments to various regulations under that Act will likely require further revisions to the Guidebook in the future. At that time, the FPTWG also plans to update and broaden the scope of the document to provide more guidance on fish-stream crossing under other legal regimes.
The FPTWG also recognizes that other improvements can likely be made to the Guidebook based on operational use and experience. The FPTWG welcomes at any time your feedback on the Guidebook and ideas on how it can be improved; please send those comments to Ian Miller, RPF, Resource Practices Branch, BC Ministry of Forest, Lands and Natural Resource Operations at: or Peter Tschaplinski, P. Ag. Ecosystems Branch, BC Ministry of Environment at: